For more info, please contact me:
+ 39 - 3290154677
valeriodev [at]
As a web developer, I have experience in HTML5 and CSS3 techniques working with jQuery or more advanced javascript MVC
frameworks such as AngularJs or ReactJs
Hello, I am Valerio Lo Santo and I'm a Web Developer from Catania.
Already from the times of the high school I worked in a computer shop as technician Hardware / Software.
The passion for computers allowed me to learn the basics of programming in Visual basic 6, opening the doors to the development of the primordial systems that are distributed through the good old Winsock.
In 2001 I was doing my first website in Html and Asp is full of Gifs and flashing leds :D so my first contact with a server via FTP. From here on, an escalation of curiosities has allowed me to learn about Linux Systems deepening programming languages such as PHP, and acquiring notions systems, networking, web security , and communication protocols.
Over the years I have specialized in various fields of computer, thanks to the collaboration as Freelance with various it companies in Caltanissetta and the province of Catania.
I am in charge of Analysis and Design of Systems and Computer Networks, through programming languages and Frameworks are at the cutting edge.